Mamaroneck Teachers' Association
MTA Welfare Benefit Trust Fund
Information on the Welfare Trust Plan and benefits offered free of charge to members.
These Anthem dentists participate in the Welfare Trust program.
These dentists participate in the Welfare Trust program.
Use this form when requesting reimbursement for dental claims.
Use this form to request reimbursement for services received from providers not in the Davis Vision network.
The Mamaroneck TA endorsed Legal Service Plan offers access to
legal assistance for personal legal matters. Services are provided and
administered by the law offices of Harold, Salant, Strassfield &
As a member of the MTA Welfare Trust Fund you are entitled to a fully paid confidential financial review with a Certified Financial Planner from Stacey Braun Associates, Inc.
Fund Administrators
Insurance Programmers Inc
P.O. Box 5817
Wallingford, CT 06492
Access your Information online
Go to: www.insuranceprogrammers.com
Click on member acccess
Login ID - enter your last name - all caps
Password - enter the last four digits of your social security number
Please call MaryAnn Lanza
ext. 4321